The Causal Model for Well Being, The Will To Live, Forgiveness, and Gratitude Among The Elderly

Document Type : Original Article


1 Psychology department-Girls College of Arts Science and education-Ain Shams University

2 Professor of Psychology - Girls College - Ain Shams University

3 Assistant Professor of Psychology - Girls College - Ain Shams University

4 Teacher of Educational Psychology - Girls College - Ain Shams University


The Aim of This study is to propose and teste a model of Well Being and its relations to The Will To Live and Forgiveness and Gratitude ,  among a sample of the elderly to investigate the direct and indirect effects, The research sample consisted of (257) elderly, from Cairo, They were employees in various instituts, enjoying good health, staying in their homes, their ages range from (60 to 84 years old), and (118) of them were females, and (139) were males,  a mean age is (68,16) years. The Study tools are Well Being scale,The Will To Live scale, Forgiveness scale, and gratitute scale, (All of them were Designed by the resercher). By using the path analysis of Track Model to get the best model with Suggested model. The results revealed that we get best model that liken The Suggested Model, On the other hand the Suggested Model include  direct positive pathways, from the variables A will to live and Forgiveness to well-being,  direct negative pathway, from the gratitude variable to well-being, direct positive path from well-being variable to gratitude, and there is not  indirect path from  A will to live to well-being by Forgiveness. The results of the research were discussed in light of the theoretical framework and previous studies.


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