The Relation Between Self-Concept and Life Skills among Hearing Impaired

Document Type : Original Article


Ain Shams University, Faculty of Girls for Arts, Sciences and Education, Psychology Department


The study aimed to identify the relationship between self-concept and life skills of the hearing impaired, the differences in the level of self-concept due to the gender variable (male / female), the differences in the level of life skills attributed to the gender variable (male / female), the differences At the level of self-concept it refers to the age stage (10-12) and (13-15) years, and the differences in the level of life skills due to the age stage (10-12) and (13-15) years. To achieve this, the researcher used the method Descriptive and analytical, whereby the studied data were described and analyzed, The study sample consisted of hearing impaired students, age between (11-15) years, from the Al Amal School in Kafr El-Sheikh, and a sample consisting of (25) male and (25) female students, and the study tools were represented in each scale Self-concept (the researcher's preparation), life skills scale (the researcher's preparation), the results of the study showed the existence of a positive statistically significant correlation between self-concept and life skills, the existence of differences between males and females in self-concept and life skills for females, and the existence of differences in self-concept and life skills For age (10-12) years old.


Main Subjects

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