Developing selective attention an entry to improve the working memory for children with reading difficulties

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Women for ARTS, Science and Education


Selective attention development is an entry point for improving working memory for children with reading difficulties (dyslexia)
The study aimed to identify the impact of selective attention development on improving the memory of children with difficulties reading in the primary stage by using a training program for selective attention and detection of the relationship between selective attention and working memory, and the sample of the study consisted of (50) students in The first, second and third grades (23 females and 27 males) the experimental sample consisted of 10 children (6 males and 4 females), and the experimental method was used, and the study tools included on the Stanford scale the fifth image version of the correction doctor The researcher prepared a measure (selective attention- measure of working memory - measure of reading difficulties) and the results resulted in the effectiveness of the training program consisting of thirty-six sessions of selective attention and its effect on improving memory Working in children with reading difficulties, where there are statistically significant differences between the average grades on the selective attention scale and the measure of memory working in the tribal and dimensional indexes in the experimental group in favor of dimensional measurement as the results showed the continuity of the program's impact on the members of the sample where there are no differences A statistical function between the average grades on the selective attention scale and the working memory scale in the dimensional and tracking records of the experimental group.


Main Subjects

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