The effectiveness of a proposed educational program for artistic activities to enhance the national identity of the Saudi Kindergarten child in light of Vision 2030

Document Type : Original Article


1 Early Childhood - Faculty of Education - Taif University

2 Professor of Curricula and Teaching Methods - College of Education - Taif University

3 Professor of Curricula and Methods of Teaching Participant - College of Education - Taif University

4 Professor of Curricula and Co-Education Technologies - College of Education - Taif University

5 Assistant Professor of Counseling, Faculty of Arts, Taif University


The current study aimed to reveal the effectiveness of a proposed educational program for artistic activities in promoting the national identity of the Saudi kindergarten child in light of Vision 2030, to achieve this the use of the experimental approach through the design of the educational program and its application on a sample consisting of (29) children in Taif, where they were distributed into two groups: experimental group and consisting of (14) children who were taught according to the proposed educational program, and a control group consisting of (15) children who were taught according to the usual method, and the study tool represented in the dimensions of the national identity scale was applied to children of the two groups before the implementation of the educational program and after its implementation, the results indicated the effectiveness of the educational program in strengthening the national identity of children, as it was found that there were statistically significant differences at (α = 0.05) between the mean scores of the experimental and control groups children in national identity scale, and this difference is in favor of the children of the experimental group, and that there were statistically significant differences at (α = 0.05) between the mean scores of the experimental group children in the pre and post applications of the national identity scale in favor of the post.


Main Subjects

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