Self-compassion and psychological support as mediating variables in the relationship between academic expectations stress and mental well-being among high school students

Document Type : Original Article


psychology, faculty of education, university of sadat city


        The present study aimed to explore the effects of academic expectation stress on the mental well-being and academic performance of high school students and the role of the self-compassion and the psychological support as mediating variables. The research was conducted on a sample of (230) male and female students, who were asked to answer the academic expectation stresses Scale (Ang & Huan, 2006), the self-compassion Scale (Neff, 2003a), the psychological support scale, and the mental well-being Scale (Tennant et al., 2007). The results of the study revealed that: Parents and teachers' expectations and subjective expectations affected mental well-being with a standard effect size of 0.225 and 0.227. Moreover, optimism, hope, and self-efficacy affected mental well-being. As well as, self compassion affected mental well-being with a standard effect size of 0.222. Inside, the effect of age on mental well-being with a standard effect size of - 0.133. In light of the results of the study, the study concluded that the self-compassion and psychological support variables had a mediating role in reducing the impact of academic expectation stress on mental well-being.


Main Subjects

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