The reality of the practice of leadership behavior of high school principals in Kuwait from the point of view of teachers

Document Type : Original Article


Kuwait Minstery of Education


This study aimed to identify the leadership behavior of school principals from the point of view of teachers, and the impact of the leadership behavior of school principals on the performance of teachers and they are the focus of the educational process, and to identify the differences with statistical implications for the individuals of the sample according to the changes of the study, and followed the study descriptive curriculum. The questionnaire was applied to a sample of secondary school teachers in Kuwait for the academic year (2019-2020), with a strength of (504) teachers, the number of teachers (258) and female teachers (246), and the results showed that the The practice of school principals for leadership behavior was high with a total arithmetic average of (3.73), and that the impact of the leadership behavior of school principals on the performance of the teacher was high with a total mathematical average of (3.93), the responses of the sample members on these paragraphs indicate that the impact of the leadership behavior of school principals shows that on the performance of the teacher in raising morale and professional growth and in solving the problems facing teachers, The study showed that there were statistically significant differences between the (t) value between the sexes in dimensions and the overall degree. From) .05,.


Main Subjects

المراجع الأجنبية
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