"Digital empowerment requirements for general secondary school teachers in Menoufia Governorate, from their point of view"

Document Type : Original Article


Foundations of Education- Faculty of Education- Menoufia University  


The current study sought to identify the most important requirements necessary to achieve digital empowerment among public secondary school teachers in Menoufia Governorate, and to present several proposed mechanisms that can be followed and implemented in reality to achieve those requirements necessary to achieve digital empowerment for public secondary school teachers, by reviewing the concept of digital empowerment And its characteristics, importance, fields and requirements for its achievement.
 The study used the descriptive curriculum procedures to achieve its objectives , using the questionnaire that was prepared, codified and applied to a sample of public secondary school teachers in Menoufia Governorate, to identify the most important requirements for achieving digital empowerment for them from their point of view. Menoufia, which reached (276) teachers, representing (5%) of the original community of public secondary school teachers in Menoufia Governorate, whose number is (5529) teachers in the academic year (2019/2020) AD. The sample was randomly selected and the number of valid questionnaires reached For dumping and statistical analysis (249).
The study found that the requirements for achieving digital empowerment for public secondary school teachers in Menoufia governorate are: knowledge requirements - skill requirements - technical requirements - human requirements - security requirements - administrative requirements, and the study presented proposed mechanisms to achieve digital empowerment requirements for public secondary school teachers.


Main Subjects

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