Parenting education in the Libyan community in light of the experiences of some countries

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Foundations of Education girl's college

2 Assistant Professor of Foundations of Education girl's college

3 Professor / Origins of Education Faculty of Arts, University of Tripoli


The current research aims to identify the conceptual framework of parenting education and the most important of some foreign experiences in the field of parenting education and the extent to which the Libyan community has benefited from foreign experiences and the researcher used the descriptive approach. Information and resources in the field of parenting programs, and providing effective national leadership for parenting programs in Libya from professional professionals, decision makers, technical specialists, administrators, teachers, and educators, working to provide parents with the necessary information and train them to help them and train them to help them, In raising their children, increasing the participation of parents in the school experience of their children, by improving the quality of parenting education, and developing a general understanding of its value.
