Negative thinking and its relationship to the quality of life among the teachers of the city of Hail

Document Type : Original Article



The objective of this study was to identify the relationship between negative thinking and quality of life on a sample of (731) Hail teachers. The negative thinking and quality of life measures were applied by the researcher. After processing the data through statistical analysis (SPSS):
- There is a statistically significant relationship between negative thinking and quality of life among Hail teachers.
-There are statistically significant differences between Hail teachers in negative thinking and quality of life attributed to gender variable (male-female), where differences were in favor of females
There are statistically significant differences between Hail teachers in negative thinking and quality of life due to the specialization variable: the type of teaching courses (teaching the courses of human sciences - teaching the courses of natural sciences), and the differences were in favor of teachers of human sciences courses.
The study recommended several recommendations, including:
-Provide scientific seminars and training courses that aim to transform negative thinking and expectations into driving forces to overcome the difficulties and problems that teachers may face while interacting with the educational reality. Acquiring some quality of life skills such as skills of organizing and investing time and quality of dealing with family and social aspects and how to achieve mental health And emotional control.
