A Comparison of the Mantle-Hansel and Raju's Signed Area Measure Index Methods for Detecting Differential performance of Item of the learning styles index questionnaire

Document Type : Original Article



The study aimed to a comparison of the Mantle-Hansel (MH) chi-square and Raju's Signed Area Measure index (RSAI) between the curves of the item properties with the (2PLM) Methods for Detecting Differential performance of Item of Learning Styles Index Questionnaire (LSIQ) considering Felder-Silverman model. It also aimed to find out the extent of agreement between the two methods of detecting (DIF) according to gender variable. The questionnaire included (44) items and the sample consisted of (813) students of Taibah University. Here are the most important findings:
Uniform DIF was detected in (3) items, equals (6.8%) using (MH) method; two items, favouring male group, and one item, favouring female group, but when using the (RSAI) method, a uniform DIF was detected in two items, equals (4.5%); one item,  favouring male group, and one item,  favouring female group.
The percentage of agreement between the (MH) and the (RSAI) methods was high, as the two methods reveal two items at a rate of (66.6%) out of (3) items that showed (DIF) due to gender variable. Moreover, the value of the coefficient of agreement kappa (0.79) and is considered a substantial agreement, The qualitative analysis that carried out to the three items having uniform (DIF) revealed that the nature of Humanistic education and difference in gender between male and female may result in showing uniform (DIF) in these items. Therefore, we are going to maintain them within the remaining items of the questionnaire.


Main Subjects

المراجع الأجنبيَّة
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