Assessing the exams of the Faculty of Education students, and the extent it achieve the intended learning outcomes

Document Type : Original Article


1 damanhour university-faculty of education-educational psychology department

2 Faculty of education/Damanhour university/educational psychology department


   the current study aimed to study the extent to which  the achievement tests in the university(Faculty of Education, Damanhur University as example) achieved the demands of assessment quality in terms of the standard specifications of the exam paper , studying  its psychometric evidences , and the extent it achieved the intended learning outcomes; Considering viewpoint of the students and their satisfaction with it .
   A student satisfaction questionnaire about the final tests was applied after checking its validity on a sample consisting of (649 male and female students), and the  list of exam papers standard specifications was used to examine a sample of (46) exam  papers chosen for educational courses as they general for all specializations  , distributed on four consecutive semesters, and the  technical reports provided by the automated graded programs for a sample of (14) tests were examined to verify their psychometric evidences in measuring the intended learning outcomes. The results revealed:
1.         Students' satisfaction about  the formal specifications for the final exam papers was sufficient, while their opinions regarding the qualitative specifications varied; The overall verification percentage for the formal indicators was 73.31%,   while the verification  percentage for the qualitative indicators was 64.41%.
2.         The average reliability coefficient  across the sample of the mechanically graded tests was (0.74 average value) and the percentage of non-discriminative questions that have a discrimination factor (less than 0.2) increased in it.
3.         The percentage of the achievement average of learning outcomes (calculated by the results of students on each of the test items and their conformity with the learning outcome that the item set for measuring it ) ranged from 69.76% to 90.78% with an average of 80.48% at the total level of exam papers and this result consider acceptable only in The state of stability of the tests and the quality of their items.
A set of recommendations was presented to decision makers in both the college and the university for inclusion in corrective plans in addition to some future research had been suggested.


Main Subjects

المراجع الاجنبيه
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