Designing a strategy to integrate Programming Problems’ Presentation Patterns in a Blended learning environment for developing Female Instructional Technology Students' Programming Competencies of Modern Programming Languages

Document Type : Original Article


1 faculty of women, ain shams university

2 کلیة البنات - جامعة عین شمس

3 - کلیة البنات - جامعة عین شمس


This research aims at designing a new strategy to integrate Programming Problems’ Presentation Patterns  to develop students' competencies of Modern Programming Languges (C++ ) in a Blended learning environment. The suggested strategy integrates three presentations patterns of the programming problem: Puzzle pattern, Matrix pattern, and Completion pattern. Authors used the descriptive analytical research method. The literature and related educational technology research have been reviewed and analyzed to formulate the theoretical forundations of the suggested strategy for intended C++ competencies. In light of  theese theoretical foundations, Authors developed the initial prototype of the suggested strategy, which was consisted of five stages: preparation and orientation stage (F2F), concept and programming rules presentation and formation stage (F2F), practicing concept formation and programming rules through puzzles pattern stage (eLearning), practicing programming problems formation and structure correction through matrix pattern stage (eLearning), and finally  evaluation stage through completion pattern (eLearning).  This initial prototype was reviewed and refereed by (9) participant referees from the faculty of Instructional Technology specialization. Suggested modifications were carried out on the  initial prototype, which led to the final form of the strategy for integrating patterns of presentation of programming for developing programming competencies, which consists of (5) stages and (47) procedural steps. Then, the refereeing data was analyzed and presented. Research results showed an average agreement (95%) between referees on the overall new strategy. Moreover, the final form of the developed strategy, its implementation plan, figures, references, recommendations, and suggestions of future research are also included in the report.


Main Subjects

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