A proposed enrichment program using flipped learning to develop scientific concepts and reflective thinking for preparatory school for high ability students in science

Document Type : Original Article


ministry of education


The objective of the current research is to build a Suggested enrichment 
program using Flipped Learning to develop scientific concepts and reflective thinking to Preparatory stage students for high ability in science, to achieve this goal we prepare experimental treatment substance that include(Teacher's Guide, Book Of activites , work sheets, homework exercises) and also the measuring tools that include the test of scientific concepts and reflective thinking .
The research was followed by the analytical descriptive Curriculum, and experimental Curriculum: in its semi-experimental design with one group, the results showed that there was statistically significant difference at 0.05 level between the average scores of the students in the pre and post application tests of the scientific concepts and reflective thinking in favor of the high medium (post-implementation The objective of the current research is to build a Suggested enrichment program using Flipped Learning to develop scientific concepts and reflective thinking to Preparatory stage students for high ability in science, to achieve this goal we prepare experimental treatment substance that include(Teacher's Guide, Book Of activites , work sheets, homework exercises) and also the measuring tools that include the test of scientific concepts and reflective thinking


Main Subjects

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