The Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavioral Counseling Program to Reduce Impulsive Behavior among University Students with Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder.

Document Type : Original Article


Psychology department - Faculty of Education - The New Valley University


The study aimed to: (1) Identify the relationship between Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and impulsive behavior (IB) ​​among university students. (2) Investigate the differences between males and females in IB and prevalence of BPD. (3) Explore the effectiveness of dialectical behavioral counseling program (DBCP) to reduce IB among study sample. The experimental sample of the study consisted of 20 male students (10 students for each of experimental and control group), their ages were from 19.42 to 26.53 years (Mage=21.28 ± 1.65); they selected from 612 students (272 males, 340 females from King Khalid University. The researcher used descriptive and quasi-experimental approaches. The researcher translated BPD List-23 (prepared by: Bohus  et al., 2009) and S-UPPS-P scale (prepared by: Billieux et al., 2012) to Arabic language, and design the DBCP. The study reached the following results: (1) there was a positive significant statistical relationship between BPD and IB ​​among university students, (2) The prevalence of BPD is greater for females than males, (3) there were significant differences between males and females in IB (NU, SS, PU and total score) for females, and (4) the DBCP was effective to reduce IB among experimental group.


Main Subjects