Psychological Immunity and its Relation with Anxiety & Hypochondria Caused by Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) for a sample from University students

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Mental Health,Faculty of Education, Helwan University


Researcher aimed to detect the relationship between Psychological Immunity and its Relation with Anxiety & Hypochondria Caused by Coronavirus Covied -19 for a sample consisted of (465) students from some Universities in Egypt, differences between average scores of the University Students in Anxiety & Hypochondria that are attributable to Gender (Male - Female), that Are attributable to Social Environment (urban-rural).Result: There Are statically significant relationship between Psychological Immunity both Anxiety & Hypochondria, There are statistically significant differences between Averages score of the university students in Anxiety & Hypochondria are attributable to Gender (Male-Female), and there are no statistically significant differences between Averages score of the university students in Anxiety & Hypochondria are attributable to Social Environment (Urban-Rural).The researcher extracts from the results of the current research the importance of developing psychological immunity to support him in crisis situations, which is reflected on the mental health of students in the stage of university education.


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