Dynamic Assessment of some cognitive processes in light of (PASS) theory among kindergarten gifted children and gifted children with learning disabilities

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Child Education - Faculty of Women - Ain Shams University.

2 کلیة البنات - جامعة عین شمس


The aim of the research is to reveal the differences between the dynamic assessment of gifted kindergarten children and gifted kindergarten children with learning disabilities, for some cognitive processes (Planning, Attention, Simultaneity process and Succession process).
 Tools used in the research is the scale of cognitive assessment system, list of diagnosis of gifted children (prepared by researchers), the scale of creative thinking for children using the movements and actions and  list of  learning disabilities for kindergarten children . Search results: there are statistically significant differences between the average ranks of the degrees of the group of gifted children and gifted children with learning disabilities in each from dynamic assessment and traditional assessment for some cognitive processes in the direction of dynamic assessment. There are statistically significant differences between the average ranks of degrees of dynamic assessment for gifted children and gifted children with learning disabilities in the direction of gifted children.


Main Subjects


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