The Use of Design Thinking by University Administration to Achieve Smart Universities in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Women for Arts, Science, and Education, Ain Shams University.


The current era is characterized by the speed of change in various areas of life, due to the rapid and progressive technological development, and this has been reflected in the field of education, the concept (smart universities) has been developed as one of the modern education patterns that may contribute to changing the traditional education patterns, but university administration needs a modern management methodology, which helps it to think in an innovative new way to change the traditional methods of work, which is called design thinking.
The study aimed to define the conceptual framework of design thinking in educational institutions management, identify the most important stages for design thinking in educational institutions management,  recognize the concept of smart universities and identify its elements, study the levels of smart measurement in different universities, identify the steps of using design thinking to achieve smart universities in Egypt and present features of the proposed model for achieving smart universities in Egypt, in light of using design thinking by university administration.
    The descriptive method was used in the study, and the important result of the study is to present features of the proposed model for achieving smart universities in Egypt, in the light of using design thinking by university administration. 


Main Subjects

ثانیا: المراجع الأجنبیة
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