Problems of Supervisory Communication at Al Azhar primary stage and ways to overcome them "A Field Study on Dakahlia Governorate"

Document Type : Original Article


بکلیة التربیة بنین بالقاهرة – جامعة الأزهر


The study was conducted to investigate the problems of supervisory communication at Al Azhar primary stage of Dakahlia Governorate and ways to overcome them according to the viewpoints of both teachers and supervisors. The study adopted the descriptive approach, utilizing two questionnaires as a study tool; the first questionnaire was administered to a sample of (368) primary stage teachers at Dakahlia Governorate. while the other was administered to a sample of (72) supervisors and senior supervisors at the same area. The participants' responses related to problems of supervisory communication at Al Azhar primary stage of Dakahlia Governorate and ways to overcome them were investigated and analyzed. The most important findings were centered around; limited participation of the teachers in the decisions related to developing and organizing curricula, teachers reported a sense of supervisors' discrimination in treatment, lack of financial and moral motivation of the distinguished teachers. These problems scored the highest ranks respectively. Finally, some recommendations were suggested so as to overcome these problems of supervisory communication at Al-Azhar primary stage, thus its effectiveness could be achieved.


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