Document Type : Original Article


1 Ministry of Higher Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, University of Hail, Hail

2 جامعة حائل- المملکة العربیة السعودیة.


This study aimed to identify the reality of the academic leaders' practice management by roaming, and suggest ways to develop the practicing it at the university of Hail in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
To answer the questions of the study, an intentional sample of all academic leaders at the university of Hail was selected, and they were (261). after distributing the questionnaire to the community of study, the researched obtained (192) valid responses for the statistical analysis. The results show the presence of statistically difference at the level of (≤ 0.05) between the averages of the responses of the study sample towards the fields of (academic leader's finding the facts, feedback and the total score) in favor of members of the study. the results also show no statistically of difference at the level of (≤ 0.05) Between the average responses of the study sample towards all fields of academic leaderships, as well as the Total degree attributable to the variables of nature of work and numbers of working years. also, the study sample agreement came to a high level of practicing all management operations by roaming with an average (4.08 out 5).
As consequences, the study recommends the necessity of adopting material and moral stimulation programs which contribute to increase the motivation of academic leaders to practice management by roaming  and also intensifying scientific meetings and workshops and training courses in this field and linking the management in roaming with the strategic aims which intended to be achieved at the university.



ثالثًا: مصادر إلکترونیة:

- Eomonz (2006):

-  توصیة تخص دور الجامعات فی تفعیل رؤیة 2030على الرابط:


- موقع جامعة حائل، 2019م،

- إحصائیة عمادة القبول والتسجیل، 1440 




Main Subjects

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