Social Support and its Relationship to the Meaning of Life in a Sample of the Elderly Residents of Social Care Homes

Document Type : Original Article



The present study aimed to reveal the relationship between social support and the meaning of life in a sample of elderly residents living in the home of the elderly in Buraidah, as well as to reveal the level of social support to them according to the variables (less than 3 years - more than 3 years), and the detection level Feeling the meaning of life according to the variables (less than 3 years - more than 3 years), the study followed the descriptive and correlative approach, and applied to a sample of (20) elderly residents residing in the home of the elderly in Buraidah, divided into (10) elderly people who exist Less than three years in the house, and (10) elderly who are present The study used the social support scale (Fox vaux 1982, Arabization Izzat Abdel Hamid 1996), and the meaning of life scale (Abdul Rahman Suleiman and Iman Fawzi, 1999). A positive correlation between the two variables of social support and the meaning of life among the elderly who are present in the house of the elderly in Buraidah.The study also found that there is a difference between the two groups of the elderly, the research sample on the social support scale, and the existence of a difference between the two groups of the elderly.

  1. ثانیاُ: المراجع الأجنبیة

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