The relative contribution of gratitude and forgiveness in predicting wisdom for a sample of university students

Document Type : Original Article


1 faculty of education

2 Assistant Professor -Department of Mental Health Faculty of Education Helwan University


The current research aimed to identify the degree of contribution for gratitude and forgiveness in predicting wisdom, and the research sample consisted of (256) students from Helwan University faculty of education with scientific and literary major, and the research used the descriptive analytical method, and The following tools were applied; A gratitude scale for university students preparing the researchers, forgiveness scale for university students preparing the researchers and wisdom scale for university students preparing the researchers The research resulted in there is a statistically significant positive correlation  at the level of significance (0.01) between the students ’scores on the gratitude scale and their scores on the wisdom scale, there is a statistically significant positive correlation  at the level of (0.01) between the scores of students on forgiveness scale and their scores on the wisdom scale, as well The results showed that both of gratitude and forgiveness make a statistically significant contribution at the level of significance (0.01) in predicting wisdom, as the value of the F calculated equal (101.072), and the value of the determination coefficient (R2) (709), meaning that gratitude and forgiveness explain about (71%) of The performance of the sample on the wisdom variable.


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