The degree of availability of communication skills that support creativity in the heads of scientific departments in schools in the State of Kuwait from the viewpoint of teachers

Document Type : Original Article


1 College of Graduate Studies - College of Education - Kuwait University

2 college of education – Kuwait university


The study aimed to identify the degree of availability of communication skills that support creativity among the heads of scientific departments from the viewpoint of teachers in the State of Kuwait, and the study followed the descriptive approach to achieving the goal, where the questionnaire was taken as a tool for it, and represents the study community of all male and female teachers of schools in the State of Kuwait except for the stage Kindergarten, The number of them is (61792) male and female teachers. The study tool was distributed to (493) male and female teachers in the Ministry of Education in the State of Kuwait, Where the number of males is estimated at (134) individuals, at a rate of (27.2%) of the sample, while the number of females is estimated at (359) individuals, at a rate of (72.8%) of the sample. and the study reached the following the axis of transmission skills supporting creativity came in the first order with a mathematical average (2.23) and a standard deviation (0.873), meaning that it is practiced with a degree Rare and few, It is followed by the axis of reception skills supporting creativity with an arithmetic average (1.97) and a standard deviation (0.785) and practiced as such to a small degree, and the total arithmetic mean of the study tool on communication skills supporting creativity was about (2.09) and a standard deviation (0.801), This indicates that few communication skills that support creativity are practiced by the heads of scientific departments in schools in the State of Kuwait, and in the light of the results of the study, the following recommendations were reached: Develop courses that develop communication skills supporting creativity among the heads of scientific departments in the schools of the State of Kuwait, continuous training Adequate pre-service communication skills supportive of creativity and good numbers this responsibility.


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