The teaching role of forensic science teachers in developing contemplative thinking skills for high school students in the city of Riyadh

Document Type : Original Article



The study aimed to identify the reality for the legitimate sciences (Shari'ah) teachers' Teaching role in "The Development of Meditation Thinking Skills" on the secondary stage (High School) in Riyadh city, it used the descriptive scanning method and it note card tool. The community of this study is consisted of all legitimate sciences teachers from the secondary stage schools that related to the department of education in Riyadh at year of 1438 , and their number was (1326) teacher, where a random sample of 31 teacher was selected. The study revealed many results where the most important outcome of it describe that: The role of legitimate sciences teachers in improving (Reaching to the Conclusions) skill applied at medium level and their role in improving (Giving persuasive explanations) skill applied at low level , while their role is not implemented to developing (Meditation and auditing ),(detection of fallacies ), (establish proposed solutions) skills.
