The Islamic Rooting of Planning: “Historical Study”

Document Type : Original Article



The current study addressed the Islamic planning in order to be rooted in from the Islamic perspective. The study adopted the historical and rooting approaches and provided the conceptual framework of planning in general. The study further demonstrated the general features of the Islamic planning and Islamic rooting of planning. The study addressed the most important forms and models that support the Islamic rooting of planning along the Islamic history. The results revealed that the Islamic planning goes according to some steps starting from preparation and ending with achieving the target objectives and predicting the future. The Islamic planning is based on the principles of inquiry and counseling with all those who are responsible in the society taking into account Allah’s “Glory be to Him” say “So ask of those who know the scripture [learned men of the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel), if you know not]. Furthermore, in order to root for planning in Islam, the procedures of planning which represented in paying the due attention to the Holy Quran, the Prophet Mohammad’s “Peace be upon Him” Sunah , and the Islamic Legitimacy should be taken into account. The Prophet Mohammad “Peace be upon Him” utilized planning from the beginning of his mission, as it started from the secret stage, then the public one. The Prophet Mohammad “Peace be upon Him” planned to migrate from Makah to Medina, and His companions planned to migrate to Habash. The Islamic planning was clear on the Prophet’s arrival to Medina, as he organized the people life there and planning was obvious in all his battles. The Islamic planning takes into consideration: the compatibility between thinking and adherence to the Islamic principles, gaining benefits from the circumstances and the implications of calling for Allah or migration for Habash or Medina, the accurate understanding of the political, social, economic, religious circumstances, the clarity of the Prophet’s character for all people, and the identification of the appropriate time, target audience and the suitable means.
