The Effectiveness of Educational Activities Based on the Six Aspects of Understanding of Wiggins and McTighe in Social Studies Course Among 11th Grade Female Students

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Education in Dawadmi Governorate - Riyadh Region - Saudi Arabia

2 Associate prof. of Social Studies Education, King Saud University


The aim of this study is to identify the impact of Educational Activities Based on the Six Aspects of Understanding of Wiggins and McTighe in Social Studies Course Among 11th Grade Female Students. Semi- experimental design was employed. A sample of (60) female students of the 11th grade were purposively chosen, and divided into two groups, experimental group (30 students) and controlled group (30 students). Achievement test was used to identify the impact of Educational Activities Based on the Six Aspects of Understanding of Wiggins and McTighe in Social Studies Course Among 11th Grade Female Students.
The results of the study were as follows:
- There is a significant difference between the pre and post test for the experimental group in favor of the post test.
- There is a significant difference between the average scores of experimental group and controlled group in favor of experiential group < /p>
In the light the results of the study, the following are some of the recommendations:
- The inclusion of educational activities based on the six aspects of understanding in the Social Studies Curriculum in the 11th grade.
- To design a training program for 11th grade Social Studies teachers with focus on employing the educational activities based on the six aspects of understanding.


Main Subjects

 المراجع بالإنجليزية

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