The Cognitive Styles as Predictive with Behavior Problems in Intellectual Disabilities Children

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


كلية علوم ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة، جامعة بني سويف جمهورية مصر العربية


The present study aimed to investigate from the prefer cognitive style of children with intellectual disabilities, and examine the contribution of cognitive style in behaviors problems in children with intellectual disabilities in a sample of 30 intellectual disabilities children (M= 22, F= 8), and their age 8- 12 years old (M=111.7, S. D=13.36), and their IQ range was 70-60 (M=66.5, S. D= 6.2). the results indicated that is a prefer cognitive styles specific in two cognitive dimensions; information preparing dimension, and information organize dimension, which children with intellectual disabilities prefer them. The two cognitive dimension content respectively; Visual conceptualization-pronunciation style, and visual-tactical style. Filed dependent- independent style, dogmatic style, reflectivity vs. impulsivity style, visual differentiation, leveling vs. sharping, focusing vs. scanning style. and the results revealed that is a predictive relation between some of prefer cognitive style to children with intellectual disabilities and outcome of CBCL; anxious/depress and visual differentiation style; internal behavior and leveling vs. sharping style, and dogmatic style; rule-breaking behavior and reflectivity vs. impulsivity style, and dogmatic style; aggressive behavior and field dependent vs. independent; external behavior and reflectivity vs. impulsivity style; social problem and visual vs. pronunciation style, and visual vs. tactical style; attention problem and visual vs. pronunciation style

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الموضوعات الرئيسية

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