The effectiveness of blended learning based on gamification in increasing achievement and developing positive thinking to students of computer teacher preparation division

Document Type : Original Article


Instructional Technology and Computer Department- Faculty of Specific Education Port Said University


The aim of the current research is to identify the effectiveness of Blended Learning based on the Gamification in increasing achievement and developing positive thinking. The research sample consisted of  (60) male and female students from the first year students in the Computer Teacher Preparation Division at the Faculty of Specific Education Port Said University in "introduction to programming" course , distributed on Two experimental groups of (30) students for each experimental group, and the researchers used tools for experimental treatment, represented in: Blended Learning, First: (combining traditional and e-learning using Gamification) , and a Blended Learning environment, Second: (combining traditional and e-learning using electronic learning environment). And tools for measurement, represented in: achievement test, and positive thinking scale. The results of the research found that there is a statistically significant difference between the average scores of students of the first experimental group (who studied in the Blended Learning environment based on Gamification )  and the second experimental group (who studied in the Blended Learning  environment based on the electronic learning environment), in both: achievement test and positive thinking scale, In favor of the first pilot group.


Main Subjects

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